Old House and Shakuhachi
新しいMOVIE「手向 / 小石川大正住宅」を追加しました。→WORKS
New video "Tamuke / Koishikawa Taisho House" was released. →WORKS

period instruments×old house.
In an old house, the sounds that have been passed down through the generations contain memories. When I close my eyes, I can still hear the sounds of the old people who devoted themselves to their practice, sinking into the wooden floor, the small tatami-room, and the eaves of the house. Let's trace the memories that have been spun. With respect. Because one day, we too will become MEMORIES.
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2005年 全国邦楽コンクールにおいて最優秀賞・文部科学大臣奨励賞を受賞。同年 イタリア・トスカーナ "プッチーニフェスティバル"へ招聘されゲストコンサートを行う。2011年より古典本曲のみによるコンサートシリーズ「古典本曲の現在」を企画・主宰する。放送・録音も多数。NHK-FM「邦楽百番」、NHK BSスペシャル、NHK 連続テレビ小説など。
石川利光門人会石の会所属。日本三曲協会会員。日本尺八演奏家ネットワーク[JSPN]会員。現代邦楽“考” 団員。
Born in Osaka Prefecture. Matsumoto studied all shakuhachi method and honkyoku (solo compositions that were played by the zen priests, Komuso, in a form of meditation known as suizen) under world famous player, and a permanent instructor of the International Shakuhachi Academy, Toshimitsu Ishikawa (Katsuya Yokoyama's school). He also studied various lineage of honkyoku from Ray Jin (Nyodo Jin's school),and Etsuzan Fujiyoshi (Kuzan Takahashi's school). He plays an active part in honkyoku field, and has holded honkyoku concert siries from 2011 in Tokyo. He graduated in the 53rd term of NHK Hogaku Gino-sha Ikusei-kai, the premier course for Japanese trad musicians aspiring to be professional performers. He won the 11th All Japan Hogaku[traditional Japanese music] Competition (2005), and has performed in "Puccini festival" in Toskana, Italy as a guest musician. He is also putting a great deal of effort into shakuhachi lecture.He presides over his organization, Matsumoto Kai, and is a permanent instractor of shakuhachi newcomer school holded by Matsubara city cultural infomation foundation.